Paying Taxes


This data shows the tax that a medium-size company must pay or withhold in a given year, as well as measures of the administrative burden in paying taxes. These measures include the number of payments an entrepreneur must make; the number of hours spent preparing, filing, and paying; and the percentage of their profits they must pay in taxes.

DB 2016 Rank 41 DB 2015 Rank 41 Change in Rank 0
DB 2016 DTF (% points) 82.51 DB 2015 DTF (% points) 82.51 Change in DTF (% points) 0.00
Indicator Armenia Europe & Central Asia OECD

The total number of payments per year. The indicator reflects the total number of taxes and contributions paid, the method of payment, the frequency of payment, the frequency of filing and the number of agencies involved for the standardized case study company during the second year of operation.

Payments (number per year)
10.0 19.2 11.1

The time it takes to prepare, file and pay (or withhold) the corporate income tax, value added or sales tax, and labor taxes, including payroll taxes and social contributions (in hours per year).

Time (hours per year)
313.0 232.7 176.6

The amount of taxes on profits paid by the business as a percentage of commercial profit.

Profit tax (%)
19.1 10.8 14.9

The amount of taxes and mandatory contributions on labor paid by the business as a percentage of commercial profits.

Labor tax and contributions (%)
0.0 20.4 24.1

The amount of taxes and mandatory contributions paid by the business as a percentage of commercial profit that are not already included in the categories of profit or labor taxes.

Other taxes (%)
0.8 3.1 1.7

The total tax rate measures the amount of taxes and mandatory contributions payable by the business in the second year of operation, expressed as a share of commercial profits.

Total tax rate (% profit)
19.9 34.8 41.2
Tax or mandatory contribution Payments (number) Notes on Payments Time (hours) Statutory tax rate Tax base Total tax rate (% profit) Notes on TTR
Corporate income tax 1 online 113 20% taxable profit 19.11
Land Tax 2 1% cadastral value 0.51
Property tax on Building 2 0.3% cadastral value 0.29
Vehicle tax 2 varies depends on horsepower 0.02
Environmental pollution charge for vehicles 1 AMD 50 per horsepower engine of the vehicle (in horsepower) 0.01
Income tax (includes social security contributions - employees) 1 online 103 (i) 24.4% of monthly taxable income up to AMD 120,000; (ii) AMD 29,280 plus 26% of the monthly taxable income exceeding AMD 120,000; (iii) AMD 518,080 plus 36% of the monthly taxable income exceeding AMD 2,000,000. gross salaries 0.00
Value added tax (VAT) 1 online filing 97 20% value added, land sale 0.00 not included
Totals: 10.00 313.0 19.9

Name of taxes have been standardized. For instance income tax, profit tax, tax on company's income are all named corporate income tax in this table.
The hours for VAT include all the VAT and sales taxes applicable.
The hours for Social Security include all the hours for labor taxes and mandatory contributions in general.